October 2020 RASC Webinar - Justin Fornelli, Metrolink

On October 22nd, the Railway Association of Southern California hosted Justin Fornelli, Chief of Program Delivery at Metrolink. Mr. Fornelli presented on Metrolink’s ongoing COVID-19 response and its efforts to adapt to the "new normal", and on ongoing capital programs such as the Southern California Optimized Rail Expansion (SCORE) program, which helps Metrolink grow from a commuter rail operation to a fast, frequent, and reliable regional rail operator in time for the 2020 Olympics. Phase 1 of SCORE is already in advanced design, and contains 10 miles of double track, crossing upgrades, and station improvements across three corridors to allow for additional service.

The presentation for the event is available below—for best viewing experience on mobile, please download the presentation or rotate your screen.

Special thanks to Justin Fornelli for presenting, and to all our members for their continued support. If you are interested in joining us for an upcoming Railway Association event or to become a member, please visit our Eventbrite Page. Our next event—our combined Holiday and Scholarship dinner in December—continues the theme of looking towards a better tomorrow, in which we will be awarding the Railway Association six up-and-coming rail engineers out of a pool of almost thirty applicants.